Too Old for Trick or Treating?

Too Old for Trick or Treating?

Say “Trick or treat” and you might remember the endless mountains of candy, the ghastly ghosts and ghouls, the terrifying costumes, and the monster movie marathons.

Regardless of age, students do love to trick or treat. Younger students such as 15 year old Angelina Castro says, “I love trick or treating because I get to dress up as a monster and scare little kids.”

”I love to go out and get bags of candy with my little brothers,” says 14 year old Carter Hernandez.

Even some older students go trick or treating on Halloween. 18 year old Claude Joseph says, “It`s fun and I get free candy. Also, I get to hang out with my friends and nephews.”

”Trick or treating is great because for one time in the year, I get to dress up as a princess and not be judged,” says 17 year old Anabel Martinez.

However, there are a lot of students who do not like to trick or treat. 15 year old Tatiana Morales says, “I am too old to be walking around in a costume asking for candy.”

“I don’t like candy and I don’t like dressing up. It is just not my thing,” says 19 year old Alonso Matas.

Students who don’t trick or treat anymore stopped at a certain age. 16 year old Ricky Simmons says,” I used to trick or treat, but I stopped when I was twelve because I dressed up as a Ninja Turtle and some older kids made fun of me so I never dressed up and went out to again.”

“I stopped when I was 15,” says 17 year old Michael Reyes, “because I got tired of doing the same thing every year. I still enjoy Halloween, but I don’t go trick or treating anymore. I stay in and watch scary movies with my girl.”

Parents have their own opinion on whether or not high schoolers are too old to trick or treat on Halloween.  Martha Matas, mother of Alonso Matas, says, “They are going to be adults soon and they should leave it to the kids.”

On the other hand, Danilo Martinez, Anabel`s father, says, “I believe you are never too old to have fun, and if you like trick or treating, then you should go out and do it.”

Although parents have differing opinions about Halloween for big kids, they still give candy to everyone regardless of age. Martha Matas said, “Even if I  believe they are too old, I still give them candy because not doing so would just be rude.”

“I would never hold out on somebody just because of their age,” says Danilo Martinez. “In fact, I give bigger candy to bigger kids.”