A New Beginning? Or Does History Repeat Itself?

“New Year! New me!” This is how the saying goes, but does anything really happen? Some people made vows to change in 2016, but does anyone accomplish his or her New Year’s goals?

There are many reasons why students make resolutions.   Junior Franco Hernandez said, “It’s something most children get themselves involved in as it is a common tradition. Having a resolution helps you keep your mind positive and open minded.”

“It’s to better myself and not make the same mistakes as the years before,” said senior Randy Lopez.

Several weeks into 2016, some students look forward to a change in their school performance. Sophomore Tatiana Cerda said, “I want to accumulate a higher GPA.” In order to achieve it, she said she needs to work harder and stay focused during class.

Sophomore Isaias Castellon said, “Besides my athletics, my main focus is on improving my biology and geometry grades, because those are the classes I struggle in.” Isaias claims if he stops falling asleep in his classes, maybe he can achieve his New Year’s resolution.

Senior Ryan Rodriguez wishes to be more athletic and fit in 2016. In order to accomplish this, he said, “I need to apply to a gym and push myself to make a change.”

Thinking ahead into the future and reminiscing on the past, students say that resolutions can differ from year to year. Junior Osniel Aparicio said, “Last year’s resolution was geared towards my physical health, but now it’s geared to establishing a better circle of friends.”

Sophomore Calypso Ponce said, “My New Year’s resolution this year is to stop drinking soda as I’m concerned about my health. My resolution the year before was to restrain myself from eating unhealthy snacks like chips and candy daily.”

Some students view New Year’s Resolutions as pointless. Senior Luis Charles said, “Anyone can set a goal whatever time of the year and never change.”

Sophomore Ashley Diaz points out how people set goals for the year, but never accomplish anything because they hold themselves back and remain the same.

Drawing teacher Mr. Perez hasn’t accomplished any resolutions before. Each and every year he hopes to win the lottery for his New Year’s Resolution. He added, “I still haven’t been successful because I’m still here.”