Representing Your Class Shirt


Senior Class Treasurer Karina Garcia showing off her new class shirt.

Buying and wearing your class shirts is a great way to not only show Sting pride, but also to support your graduating class. Class t-shirts are sold in the Miami High Store next to the activities office (1143), while class jerseys are reserved for the seniors that attend the board meetings and are active with class.

The class t-shirts come in many different sizes. School Treasurer Mr. Portuondo said, “We order every shirt in S, M, L, XL, and 2XL.”

Depending on the kind of shirt and design, the prices vary. Mr. Portuondo said, “The senior shirt is on sale for $15 because of the gold color on the sleeve and neck. The more color there is, the more expensive the shirt will be. The junior shirts is on sale for $10 since there isn’t much color on it.  The freshman and sophomore shirts have not yet been designed and ordered.

Even though there are around 3,000 students in the school, with an average of 750 in each class, not all students buy their class shirts.

Activities director Ms. Rivero said, “To make sure we won’t be left with many unsold shirts, we will be ordering 100 of each class shirt, but if they sell out quickly, then we will order 50 more.”

Don’t forget to get your shirt before they’re sold out, which, for some, it’s already too late.     Junior Joanna Leon said, “I want to buy my class shirt, but they sold out on my size which is small. I’m really hoping they will bring more.”

Senior Maryory Matute said, “I haven’t bought my senior class shirt yet because I haven’t gotten the money for it, but I am definitely looking forward to buying one.”

The class shirts aren’t

Other times, the shirts are designed by officers. Junior Class Vice-President Alvaro Espinoza Hueck said that their class shirt was created by Class Treasurer Britney Alpizar. “Other people had parts in making it, but she’s the one that put the puzzle together,” he said. The Junior class shirt is a simple design with a blue sting in the front

Junior Class Historian Nataly Cancio representing with her class shirt.
Photo by Kelvin Cash
Junior Class Historian Nataly Cancio representing with her class shirt.

and 2018 going vertical next to it. In the back it says, “Following no one. Reinventing the Future.”

Many have said that the Senior Cass shirt is the best. Senior Yoyslaisi Fernandez said, “It is so unique, and it has a retro design that I like a lot with bright and vivid colors. It gave the people that couldn’t buy the class jersey a feel of having one. It’s by far my favorite design.”

Sophomore Briana Arrioliga said, “I really like the Senior Class shirt because of the last 90’s kids design on it.”

Some students expect to see some specific things on their next shirt designs. Junior Vale Molina said, “I would really love to see a class shirt in long sleeve.” Senior Kevin Vasquez said, “I want our next design to be in a different color like white since the shirt and the jerseys were both blue and gold.”