Mu Alpha Theta Pres: Azhar


Mu Alpha Theta President Azhar Moihdeen showing his pride.

Junior Azhar Moihdeen is a very high academic achiever here at Miami High. Taking challenging classes, he stands out over most students. This year he’s taking 5 AP classes,1 Dual Enrollment class, and doesn’t plan on stopping.

He’s liked most of them and says, “It’s really hard to choose which has been my favorite, but since I’m more into science and math, it would have to be AP Calculus tied with AP Chemistry.” Lots of students may wonder: how does he do it? Here is some of his advice: “Never give up,” he said. “I know it sounds very cliché, but hard work is the only thing that will help you succeed in life, and it is what has helped me succeed.”

Being a junior, Azhar has to start wondering which college he would like to attend. “I’m not sure,” he said, “but ever since I was in the 5th grade, my dream school has been MIT. I’ve heard it’s one of the best schools for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and I also really like Massachusetts.”


Extra-Curricular Activities

Miami High is a big historic high school that lots of students want to attend, but why did Azhar decide to come here? “It was all because of the band,” he said.” I already knew the band director so I was comfortable enough to join, plus a lot of my friends had decided that they were coming here so I thought I would stick with them.”

Azhar has been playing tuba since 6th grade. Coming into high school without an instrument to play would have made him feel like he’s missing something. His favorite part of being in the band is playing music and going to competitions.

Outside of the band, Azhar is very involved in other activities. He is the Treasurer of Key, the President of Mu Alpha Theta, the Treasurer of the Career Club, and a member of NHS. “My favorite part of being in Key is talking to people and meeting new friends,” he said. Being the club treasurer means being in charge of the money the club has to deal with.

Mu Alpha Theta keeps him busy with participating in the math tutoring offered after school. Career Club, which is new this year, will be organizing FASFA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) nights and workshops to help juniors and seniors have a plan once they graduate and make sure they go to college.


Student Life

Even though Azhar is a top student, he too has difficult classes. “This year the hardest class I’m taking would be AP US History,” he said, “because it’s a new way of thinking, analyzing, and writing that I haven’t done until this year.”

His favorite classes are every math and science class that he’s taken here, but his top three are AP Psychology, AP Calculus, and AP Chemistry. So far, his favorite year at the High has been junior year since is year is when he’s had the most challenging classes, and he likes that.


Life Outside of School

When he’s not attending school or performing with the band, Azhar’s life outside of school is just like any kid’s. He gets home and spends time studying and doing what kids do. Born from Indian parents on August, 2000, Azhar, was raised in Miami, Florida.

His family, other than his cousins and siblings of this generation, are Indian. “My mom’s family comes from the north and my dad’s comes from the south,” he said. Alongside his older sister, he spends his free time watching Indian movies. He says, “I prefer Indian movies over American ones because I feel that Indian movies connect me to my roots. More than anything, these movies teach me more about life and the type of person that I want to be, and the music sounds really nice, too.”


How well do you know Azhar?

  1. How many AP/ Dual Enrollment classes has he taken through his career at Miami High?
  2. What college would he like to attend?
  3. What clubs is he in? What is his position in each?