Relay for Haiti – A Country in Need


After Hurricane Matthew (a category 4 hurricane) struck Haiti, over one thousand lives were lost, and thousands of people were displaced due to their homes being destroyed. After a month has passed by, Haiti is still trying to recover and reconstruct their nation and economy.

Relay For Haiti, sponsored by Key & Interact, is a supply drive held here at Miami High, that collects clothes, canned foods, personal hygiene products, and medical supplies from students who are willing to help a country in need.


Helping with the Aftermath

“Our school motto Non Verbis Sed Operis (not by words but by deeds) is the reason why we decided to take on the responsibility to bring awareness for a good cause. It explains who we are as a school,” said SGA president Pablo Iraheta.

According to SGA advisor Ms. Puentes, over 500 students donated approximately 1,000 items and got community service hours in return, depending on the items that they donated. Her hope is that the items will reach the people in most need.

The number of items collected was large. “We filled up two trucks with items and we even had to adjust them a little to make everything fit,” said SGA Treasurer Brianna Rodgers. The Rotary Club in Miami is delivering the items to Haiti.

“I want people to know that Miami High doesn’t only contribute and care about our community, but to the world in general,” said SGA 2nd vice president Genesy Leiva after donating toothpaste and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.


Donating Supplies

With so many students donating supplies and spreading out the word about helping, it must feel good to know that we are involved in the restoration of Haiti’s community. Junior Nathalie Cortes, who donated a pack of diapers and diaper rash ointment, said, “It honestly felt great knowing that I was able to donate and help Haiti after the hurricane. I recall sitting in my living room as the hurricane passed by Miami hearing the news about how Haiti had been destroyed.”

Class of 2018 treasurer Britney Alpizar said, “I donated supplies to Relay for Haiti because I felt that as an officer it was my duty to set the example to the other students, and I also wanted to help.”


Rooting for the Best

Miami High student leaders felt extremely proud of putting together such a successful donation drive which benefitted thousands of people. “When I heard that Miami High was getting involved with what had happened in Haiti, I couldn’t keep from feeling proud and determined to help,” said junior and F.E.A. president Ariel Trueba after donating a first aid kit and towels.

“I have taken so much from this project, but the principle thing that I withdrew from this project is that giving to others who are in need is the best feeling in the entire world,” said SGA’s leader Pablo Iraheta.


Donated Items         Community Service Hours

Canned Goods                      3 cans = 1 hour

Water                                    2 gallons = 1 hour

First Aid Kit                          1 = 8 hours

Diapers                                 1 pack = 5 hours

Batteries                               4 batteries = 1 hour