The Homecoming Game of 2022

By Anderson Cabrera and Nathalie Chang

     On October 14th at Curtis Park, Miami High’s annual Homecoming football game was held against the Barbara Goleman Gators.  The game was intense as the scoring for each quarter was close for both teams. At the end of the game, however, the winning team was Stingarees with the score of 28-23.

   All the clubs were present for the announcement of who won the homecoming parade. During halftime, the Color Guard and the Million Dollar Band did a memorable performance. Sting Sprit was present. The speaker announced that the Class of 1992 were there for their 30th year reunion, and the Class of 2012 were there as well for their 10th year reunion, showing that Sting Spirit never goes away.  Cheerleaders from the past and present were cheering together as one.  During the last moments of the game all Stings, past and present, were dancing with the Color Guard and cheerleaders while the Million Dollar band provided sound and music.