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The Plot Behind Rolemodels 23-24


   The 5000 Role Models Club’s purpose is to help the youth become responsible men and avoid such things as getting involved in the drug trade, dropping out of school, or being incarcerated. The sponsors for the club are Mr. Bernard, Mr. Strickland, and Mr. Brborich. 

   During the beginning of the 2023-24 school year, there wasn’t much going on for the Role Models until September when they held their first meeting.  The excitement picked up when there was an event held on December 20. The Holiday Summit is a mini parade where the Role Models can receive gifts. 

    Another big event would be the MLK luncheon on January 19th to honor Dr .King’s life and legacy with local dignitaries and students from various schools. 

   On February 24th, the 5000 Role Models attended the Police Youth Summit which was a wonderful experience for them as they were able to interact with police officers, correction officers, and fire fighters. The Role Models learned some valuable information on the importance of protecting the community, and they were able to do play scenarios on police involved situations.  

    Mr. Bernard stated, “This was a great experience for the Role Models as they see what police officers go through daily. 

   During the month of March, the 5000 Role Models visited a state prison to understand valuable lessons that can be taught during times of crisis or incarceration. 

   All this led towards the Wilson scholarships on April 24th where 4 juniors gained that reward: Daquan Edwards, Jaquan Edwards, Henry Jeansimon, and Jakari Wilson.  

   Many Role Models were seeking to win, but felt disappointed after not winning, which is what Mr. Bernard noticed afterwards considering their hard work, making this the only struggle the 5000 Role Models had to face during this year. 

4 Tips for Upcoming MHS 24-25 Role models Club Members 

  1. Starting September, procedures for 24-25 will begin
  2. Expand your friend group around those in your Club/5000 Rolemodels
  3. Ensure to contact Mr. Bernard, Mr. Strickland, or Mr. Brborich for updates
  4. Always enjoy what you can have and can’t during that time as an Upcoming Member
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