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A successful year for Culture Circle


    The Culture Circle club, led by president Caitlin Sandoval, has had many great moments, with successful events hosted and many new members joining the club, showing they have grown a lot throughout the year.  

    Culture Circle had to start fresh for the 2023-24 school year and began to work as early as the summer before. President Caitlin Sandoval mentions, “We began very rockily as there wasn’t much we did as a club the previous year, but there were so many things we needed to both accomplish and implement with this fresh start.” 

    They hosted events such as Miss Hispanidad, a beauty pageant for exclusively Hispanic countries for the first time, and hosted the first ever Asian and Pacific Islander Month event. Their efforts rewarded them with winning Best Interest Club of the 2023-24 year. 

    They also faced some major challenges, with Caitlin explaining, “They were primarily due to new events and new officers being elected into positions that didn’t quite fit them.” The club also struggled with raising funds, as the president explained that they were rather inexperienced at it. 

    One member that should be recognized, according to the president, is sophomore Amy Palma, because even though she didn’t win vice president for next year, she helped in the events for this year and was a key member of the club. Another person that should be recognized is senior Ariana Gonzalez, who was also a key member of the club. 

    As for next year, Culture Circle will continue to be active starting in the summer, as they prepare for events such as Indian Independence month in April, Haitian Independence month in May, and the Black History Month festival in February. 

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