NHS Comes Back Strong 2022-2023

NHS President Fernando Quijada (front and center) is proud of how successful the drive was.

By Emily Quintero, Staff Writter

After a long, fun, and exciting year National Honors society met one last time to elect their officers for next year on May 15. Outgoing senior NHS president Fernando Quijada can tell you NHS had a wonderful year filled with many great memories.  


Tough beginning 

   At the beginning of the year NHS struggled because of the very few members in the club. “Not many people knew about the club, and it didn’t really have many active members,” said Fernando. Out of the few members in the club, most of them only joined it but were not active.  “The club was pretty much dead,” he said.   

    Getting members involved was extremely hard since most of the members from the year before were seniors. Fernando said, “Last year when the seniors left, there were about 30-40 members. Now there are about 90 members.” 


Getting active again 

    This year, a lot more people became very active in the club. Fernando says, “Now we have more events and are more active in school wide activities.” NHS participated in every activity the school had. NHS also started a new tradition this year called Student of the Month. Since February, the club has been nominating 4 students excelling in academics to be Students of the Month.  

    One of the club’s biggest achievements this school year was the donation drive for the people in Florida affected by Hurricane Ian. Fernando said, “We did a school wide drive to collect food and hygiene products. We donated it to a company, and they sent it out to the affected families.”  

   The club has grown a lot this year. President Fernando said, “This year’s officers are proud of what the club has accomplished. Besides Fernando the officers this year were: First Vice president Rosalyn Morin, Second Vice President Sabrina Pepper, Treasurer Robert Capetillo, Recording Secretary Michael Albert, Corresponding Secretaries Elias Sandoval and Daniel Barrera, Historians Lucianne Servat and Gabriela Tabata, and the PR Coordinator Sophia Marticorena. 


Next year with NHS  

    As the school year ends, National Honors Society is starting to plan for next year. In the summer NHS will most likely be working on banners and props for next year’s activities. NHS is also planning to make Student of the Month something bigger. Since it started this year, they hope to expand it the following year and get more teachers to participate. 

    Next year’s officers who will oversee doing this are President Robert Capetillo, First Vice-president Gabriela Tabata, Second Vice-president Jaime Acosta, Treasurer Angela Caceres, Recording Secretaries Camilla Zuniga and Jasmine Godoy, Corresponding Secretaries Aliya Sakhrani, Claudia Fonseca, and Lucas Andia. The new Historians are Mia Edmonson, Faith Garcia, Melisa Fajes, and Aylin Villegas. The new PR coordinator is Lauren Espinoza.