The Friendliest Sting Out There-Caitlin Sandoval

The Friendliest Sting Out There-Caitlin Sandoval

    Caitlin Sandoval is a reliable, friendly, and kind sophomore. Her friends describe her as a supportive and enthusiastic friend. She is the newly elected Culture Circle president. 



   Caitlin Sandoval was born on January 18, 2007, in Miami, to two loving parents. Her mom was born in New Jersey, but moved to Miami; her father was born and raised in Mexico. Like many children she had a dream of becoming a veterinarian. “I always had an interest in animals,” said Caitlin. 

   She did not necessarily have the best childhood. “My parents shared a lot of hardships while I was young that affected my perceptions of relationships for years after,” said Caitlin. This resulted in her taking school more seriously due to the lack of support she had at home. 

    Even though Caitlin went through a very rough patch as a child, she has many great memories. “My happiest childhood memories came from me waking up early on Sundays to watch reruns of Dragon Ball Z with my father.  We didn’t really have a lot of bonding moments throughout the course of my childhood, so these were the most memorable as it was something we were both passionate about,” said Caitlin. 


Becoming Culture Circle’s President 

   Culture Circle’s elections happened at the end of the school year with Caitlin Sandoval as president. She ran for president because Culture Circle’s advisor Mr. Fertil was one of her absolute favorite teachers. She heard Mr. Fertil promoting the club from the day she stepped foot in his class and was hooked. 

   When Caitlin heard that the club was not exactly in the best shape since its main officers were very unreliable, she decided to run for a position to help improve the club. However, she did not expect that position to be president. 

   As the day of the club’s elections drew nearer, she was extremely nervous. “It was very nerve-wracking. Even though there weren’t many people in the club to begin with, I couldn’t help but feel as if those little few pairs of eyes were somehow judging me in way,” said Caitlin. But after the elections were over, she felt relieved and was happy with the way they played out. 

   For the following year she is planning on growing the club even more and wants to help it reach its full potential. “It’s last officers hadn’t done much to ensure the club’s growth, despite how well the past president was trying,” said Caitlin.  

   However, Caitlin is hoping the club can become more active in school-wide events so more people can join. With this position as president, Caitlin acknowledges she will have more responsibilities which she must learn how to balance with school. She plans on managing by spreading herself evenly amongst both in terms of involvement and attention. Her day-to-day schedule will mostly remain the same though. 



   Caitlin has countless hobbies, but one of her favorites is to draw in her free time. Her all-time favorite book is The Illusion of Living by Adrienne Kress. “It follows the life of one of my absolute favorite video game antagonists named Joey Drew,” said Caitlin. She also enjoys listening to music and to video game soundtracks. “They are usually very creative and fun to listen to,” says Caitlin. 



   Caitlin has big ambitions for her future as she wants to become a lawyer, more specifically a criminal justice lawyer. “I love helping those in need when they’re put in unjust situations.  Seeing falsely accused victims on the news day after day leaves me restless,” said Caitlin Sandoval.  

    She is going to continue her studies after high school in order to achieve this.  When asked what success is for her, she said, “It’s being good with yourself and how your life currently is. Some successful people end up having the most miserable lives. I don’t see that as anything successful.”  

   She also believes that her kindness is one of the most important life skills that will serve her well in the future. “Not a lot of people see kindness as important, but it is to me. In the world we currently live in, kindness can go a long way. Learning how to show some sort of kind attitude to anyone you meet will eventually come right back to you in the future for the better,” said Caitlin.