緑 (Green)

By Rosé Jean-Baptiste, 11th Grade

I have just experienced self.

I have just delved into a well which echoes a memory not too long ago.

I recall a well some time back. I am the well.

I think I’m doing well, too.


I think I have broken.

My reflection’s location changes now and then.

One day it is clear, about a foot from my face. It is mute.

Other times, it is vague, at the depths of the well. Dark, yet I can hear everything.

I am sure you are familiar with this.


My voice rings in the well.

You have captured it.

You have tamed it and absorbed its energy.

You have chosen it’s depth.

You have seen yourself in the well.

The green mold is pretty along the sides of the stones. They’re washed and slightly tinted blue on the edges. It glows.


It has been some time I do not visit this place.

I have come back and seen lots of green. It has almost consumed the blue edges of the stones and the glimpses of red in my hair.

I think I have bled into my hair. I was born a soft brown, but it has chosen to be vibrant and fiery.

I like that.


I have just experienced a new perspective.

There are now many colors, so many that I cannot name them all. That is not my purpose.

The colors simply come and make their way in the well.


You and I are overjoyed.