The Creation of Adam

By Rosé Jean-Baptiste, 11th Grade

Of all the things I could have stumbled upon today,

Of all mysteries that could have been solved,

Of all miracles that could have been performed,

Of all those with hope that one autumn they might have harvest,

You have chosen me.

You have chosen me to kill.

You are the predator and I am your prey.

Your hooded eyes are my bait and I am your fool.

You, out of all circumstances, have chosen me to love.

And for this, I love you.

For this, I withstand your gaze of utter aggression

That only wishes to embrace me entirely in a pool of

Warmth and happiness that I take as a means of drowning

And suffocation of your craft.

I take this as the ultimate decision

That with all the power in the world

I wish to reject at surface, but

Deep down we both are conscious of

The traps we have each succumbed to.

As a pair of an infamous cat and mouse,

We seem to trail one another in airs of

Foolishness and pure childishness

That I fall so in love with

Every time you twinkle your eyes

And crack into a ringing burst of laughter.

There is something interesting about

Your hands that makes me constantly

Want to take them and look at them

Like a child who has wandered away

Into the heavens

From her mother who kneels

At the altar of Michelangelo’s canvas


It is by chance

I have



A bit





Perhaps, as I take your hand

I too, am performing a miracle

Perhaps, I too, am a saviour of


As I look into them,

I find myself sneaking before a door

Listening to a muffled conversation

Of my thoughts intertwined with

Your body and your soul

That are not yet meant for me

And as I try to look into

The keyhole,

I see my own hands before me

Still, without a tremble

Warm, without a sign of a white death

Yet they remain empty before my eyes

What I had hoped for,

where have I gone,

And what have I become?


and i realize that

we are mere products of my imagination,

for you could never acknowledge the flaws that i see

reflected upon a shattered glass

and you could never imagine

the things

i feel

about you.