The Healing Phase

By Fatima Reyna, Staff Writer

   The last break up was the final point for me. It was a school day, and we were in 5th period. At that time, we had the same class. That day I had a weird gut feeling the whole day. I knew something bad was going to happen. I walked outside the class and there he was with another girl. I finally realized that I was worth so much more than that so I broke up with him that very moment. 


Why is the healing phase important? 

    Most teenagers heal after a heartbreak from their first love. This will most likely happen during your first high school years. Usually, your first love comes into your life to teach you a lesson. Healing is the most important thing to do after a heartbreak. It’s important because you become a stronger and better version of yourself.  


What happens if you don’t heal? 

   People who don’t heal or take time for themselves usually become very depressed or go into what I call “My Dark Hole”. When I was in 9th grade, I met someone on the first day of school. He came to be my first love, but we broke each other’s hearts. We broke up many times, but I never let myself heal. But in April 2022, we broke up for the last time. That time I let myself heal even though it still got hard at times. Healing and grief don’t have a due date. 


Ways to heal 

   There are many ways to heal. One of them is writing your feelings down. I used to do this a lot and it really helped. Also, surrounding yourself with good friends who will support you no matter what. The biggest way for me was realizing that people come into your life to teach you a lesson and that no matter what you will always be okay. After my breakup it was very hard on me, but I told myself I’d be okay till I finally was. Now I’m the best version of myself. 


Advantages of healing 

    When you heal, you finally feel at peace. Some people even find someone new and better to love. This person will most likely be very kind and loving. Like people say, “The sun always shines after the storm.” I always think about this quote because it’s very true and gave me a lot of hope. I hope that people who are going through this know they aren’t alone and that they don’t have to give up.