Chief’s Farewell


By John Clement, Editor-in-Chief

In my sophomore year, I started working with the TIMES as a rookie with a lot to learn. My interest in writing brought me into the class, but it was producing the news and influencing the lives of others which made me stay.

Being part of the TIMES has been a greatly enriching experience. In my first few months, I felt overwhelmed by the amount of tasks required of me from interviewing to photography and much more in between. However, as I grew more comfortable, reporting the news became something to take pride in and enjoy because it offered the opportunity to see Miami High through not only my own perspective but also those of others, all the while giving recognition to Stings and the activites they partake in.

While the role of editor-in-chief has brought its fair share of responsibilities, it has been worth the challenge. Helping shape stories and seeing the enjoyment of those who read them always brings a smile to my face. At the end of the day, the news is an outlet for expression, and an article is much more than just text on a page; it is composed of the voices of many, moments captured through photographs, and authors who work hard to convey those for all to see. When future Stings look back on each issue, they will see the collaborative effort of students with a range of interests and a desire to call attention to what is important to them.

After these three years in journalism, I am ultimately satisfied with my contributions. In no small part do I owe my appreciation and respect to Dr. DeNight, my journalism teacher, whose guidance and energy has motivated me to succeed. I also thank all my fellow journalists for making the newspaper what it is today. May the succeeding chiefs continue to make the TIMES, and Miami High, prosper.