
By Mya R. Lavin, 10th Grade

Someone is coming,
Make yourself look happy.
Maybe you’re not, but that’s not for display.
Clear your face, make it snappy.
Wipe your tears, put on a smile.
Your emotions are under lock and key,
Just let it all pile
Till it gets to the limit and you explode
It’ll hurt but they will hurt you too.
Never mind, it’s better to implode
You won’t hurt anyone, just yourself.
Forget it, it’s no big deal.
Put it back on the shelf.
Shit, they’re coming
Are you ready?
Did you put it all away? Everything?
“Oh hey, I was just checking on you.”
Are you gonna actually tell them the truth?
“Oh me? I’m fine, thank you.”
Right back to self-drowning misery.