Our heroes

By Shirley Lopez , Staff Writer

One of Miami High security guards, Mr. Nelson.

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a security guard? Many students don’t realize how stressful, dangerous, and tiring it may be. Being a security guard is more than it seems. There’s a lot we don’t know or realize. Miami Senior High School has many brave, committed, selfless security guards that aren’t appreciated enough.


The Daily Grind

Every day is interesting and never boring, said Mr. Pablo Trujillo who monitors the 2nd floor of building 1 Coach Bell, who has been a security guard at Miami High for 20 years, says, “It’s hard trying to get the seniors and juniors to do what they’re supposed to do, but how can I not love my job?”


Student safety

As a security guard, your responsibilities are the students and making sure they’re safe and doing what they’re supposed to. “I also expect all students to be inside their classrooms learning” said Mr. Nelson, who monitors the main office. “I expect the kids to treat each other with respect and respect their elders,” he added.


Many security guards at Miami High claim that students are their number 1 priority. Security guards want the best for students and try their hardest to keep them safe., “I’ll go as far as I can to protect the students,” said Mr. Trujillo. It’s very important that we respect our security guards because they will go as far as they must go to protect us. “My job is to come serve, protect, and keep students safe.” said Mr. Bell.


School Shootings

Everyone knows how dangerous the world we live in is, especially with all the school shootings that have been going on. ”I’m heartbroken and wish we didn’t live in a world like this, but it’s reality,” said Mr. Trujillo.

“I feel terrible and sad for the families and students that have lost someone to a school shooting,” said Mr. Bell, who also states that he will protect students and staff at all cost

Security guards do get hurt during school shootings. The incident that changed many lives at Stoneman Douglass killed 14 students, two faculty members, and Mr. Aaron Feis, one of the brave security guards that died a hero. According to the article ”17 People Died In The Parkland Shooting. Here Are Their Names” published on the website for National Public Radio <https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/15/586095587/>, “He selflessly shielded students from the shooter when he was shot. He died a hero and he will forever be in our hearts and memories.”
