Introverts and Their Quirks


The contrast between extroverts and introverts is quite large. Introverts think in their heads, extroverts think out loud.

By Nahomy Vega, Staff Writer

Shy, timid, reserved, quiet… These are some of the words many use to describe introverts. People tend to only look at the surface, but introverts are some of the most interesting kinds of people out there because of all the layers to unveil. 

 Stereotypical Remarks 

     Others tend to make harmful and rather “dense” assumptions about such peculiar people. According to a 17-year-old female introvert that remains anonymous, the constant excuse of friends not inviting her to activities is because they think she “doesn’t want to talk to anyone,” is annoying, and doesn’t want to keep having the same conversation.  

    This can make introverts believe that others don’t like them simply because they are being themselves. Instead, inviting introverts can help them open to new horizons and even talk about themselves. That way, people can learn more about them. This can result in the learning of their boundaries, or certain lines that people can and can’t cross.  

 Is Small Talk Really Enjoyable? 

     Many introverts aren’t big fans of small talk. “I don’t enjoy small talk because I don’t consider myself good at it,” claims a sixteen-year-old female introvert who chose to remain anonymous. She also claims that fast paced conversations make her feel uncomfortable, since she already has difficulties holding up a conversation with strangers.  

    Mariana, an introverted junior, doesn’t really enjoy small talk and believes it’s quite awkward, but tolerates it if she needs to. Introverts tend to enjoy more in-depth conversations instead of the odd “Hi, how are you,” or “Nice weather.” 

 Opening Up 

    It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to get an introvert to open up. But really, some take more time compared to others. Junior Ana Murillo, an extrovert, explains that she tries her best to push introverts out of their comfort zones, even if it’s only a little bit. This is something extremely important to consider, since it can greatly help introverts expand their horizons and even learn new things.  

      “People shouldn’t force things out of others, especially introverts,” claims Dairon, a thirteen-year-old introvert. “Instead, ask them about their interests and show that you care.” Maria, an ex-introvert, asks introverts open-ended questions to know about how they think and how their minds work.  

 Let’s Hear from the Extroverts! 

    Extroverts are quite vocal and not afraid to speak their minds. On the contrary, introverts are peculiar when it comes to being vocal, and it takes the simple act of being engrossed in what they are interested in. Can they both get along? Ana Murillo very much prefers to be friends with them. “They always have deeper thoughts, so it’s fun to see the layers they have. Extroverts are too loud at times, and I prefer more calm people.”  

 We’re All Different 

     Introverts tend to have quite similar interests, such as art, music, shows, movies, comics, games, and the list goes on. The 17-year-old female introvert mentioned earlier is into games that revolve around music, as well as shows that lean towards the horror genre. It wouldn’t be difficult to find certain people that are into the same activities when only counting introverts.  

    On the other hand, when it comes to including everyone, introverts are the people that need to recharge after being in certain situations and prefer to let their minds wander. It’s like they have their own little extrovert in their heads, where they voice their thoughts. 

Several Celebrity Introverts: 

  • Keanu Reeves 
  • Britney Spears 
  • Johnny Depp 
  • Kurt Cobain 
  • Rihanna 
  • Bill Gates 
  • Megan Fox 
  • Lady Gaga 
  • David Bowie 
