HIP Recap of 2022-2023

Ms. Rivero is in the front row with her officers.

By Keilly Martinez, Staff Writer

Science teacher Ms. Rivero, who sponsors the HIP club, said that the school year began a little rough for the club because they had to train the new PHE’s and get everyone on the same page regarding schedules and their usual routines. 

This year’s officers were President: Valeria Maldonado, Vice President: Andy Palma, Secretary: Lauren Solar, Media Specialist: Lindsay O’Campo and Roxanna Frometa. 

Throughout the year they accomplished learning more about the freshmen and learned that everyone has their own stories. They have also accomplished new recruitment for the next school year 2023-2024. 

One challenge faced by HIP was how the freshmen would be shy to participate and the PHE’s would call them out. But with time they got comfortable and started to share more. 

  HIP had an end of the year celebration after they were done with all eight presentations to announce the new members. 

Next year’s officers are President: Tiffany Rodriguez, Vice President: Jonathan Villalona, Secretary: Isabella Martinez, and Media Specialist: Aliesner Lopez.