School Year Memory Maker


Ms. Rivero hard at work before graduation.

By Sebastian Lafond, Staff Writer

   Student activities director Ms. Rivero is an important person at Miami high who plans all the events that students enjoy during their school year. These events are especially important to the seniors who want to make their last year fun and memorable.  

 Activities Director  

   Ms. Rivero has been the activities director at Miami High for 10 years. She says the most rewarding part of her job is “to see the kids having fun at the events that I plan out.” She first got her position at Miami High because the previous activities director here knew Ms. Rivero, who was the activities director at Beach High, and knew she was a Stingaree, so she decided to bring Ms. Rivero home.  

   A former cheerleading captain at Miami High, Ms. Rivero says, “Being activities director can be a hard job sometimes because everything is always different, like different themes and different people.” She says that a typical day in the job has constant disruptions. “I’m never able to finish something without some kind of interruption,” she said. 

   On the other hand, most Miami High students are cooperative with her work. She said, “In my 10 years of being activities director here at Miami High, I’ve only had to stop one event early, which was a dance, due to kids from another school looking for problems.” 

 School events 

   There are a lot of events she has to plan for in one school year, but her favorite one is graduation. She said, “It’s bittersweet. You see a group of kids you really connected with go on to do more things, but you know you’ll miss them.”  

   A lot of her help comes from her officers and monitors, as well as her four advisors: Ms. Armas, Ms. Puentes, Dr. Hueck, and Ms. Enriquez. A lot of events take time to plan, and it all depends on what it is. “For example,” Ms. Rivero said, “prom takes months of planning and setting up for almost 7 hours.”  

 Away from Miami High 

   Ms. Rivero has another job at a non-profit organization called the Leadership Learning Center where she teaches a group of middle schoolers. She says, “It’s a difficult job because the group of students I work with are more challenging.” When she is not working, Ms. Rivero loves to spend time with her family. Sometimes when she has to work at home, she says, “It becomes an opportunity for my family to spend time together.”  


   “I love doing crafts and cookies with my granddaughter,” Ms. Rivero said. “I need to focus more on doing things that I like.” She mainly enjoys doing things with others but realizes that she needs to make time for herself as well. She always likes to get help with whatever she may be doing because it gives her an opportunity to bond with that person. 

Before Covid, this is what a atypical year of activities looks like.