
By Daranys Valdes, Staff Writer

    Today many teens suffer from acne, and while some don’t mind it, for others acne is an everyday struggle. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells, which leads to skin irritation and pimples. 


Worst Acne Experiences  

   We all have good and bad days, but unfortunately for sophomore Nixie Romero, it was a bad day. “I woke up,” she said, “and when I looked in the mirror, I saw a pretty bad looking pimple. I was so embarrassed I tried to get rid of it with some quick at home remedies, but it just made my situation way worse.”  

    Junior Nahomy Vega added, “One time I was overwhelmed by stress caused by school which led to a big break-out mostly around my chin.” 


How does acne affect student’s self esteem  

   Acne can cause many students to feel bad towards themselves as some may not like how they look with acne. Many teenagers, feel like Lexi T, who says, “Acne sucks.” 

   Sophomore Gabriel B. says, “Acne makes me feel very insecure about my public image.”  Junior Omar P. says, “I hate acne. It makes me feel bad about myself.” 


How some students deal with acne 

    Students have various methods of dealing with their acne. For example, junior Briget Obregon says, “I like to use some Vaseline overnight. It helps sometimes.”  

    Junior Gabriela Beoto says, “To be honest when I have a pimple that I don’t want people to see, I hide it with my foundation which keeps it well covered.”
    But the most common thing students use are acne patches. Junior Ashley Morales says that acne patches are a good way to not only help clear up acne, but also keep their acne hidden.  


Recommended acne products  

     Need some help finding what products are good? Junior Yaileen Vega has some great recommendations: “If you’re looking for something to help you the best, I recommend Panoxy as your first option. The Ordinary is also a great one as well as CeraVe Acne Foaming Wash but, if you need something that can not only cover your acne but also help it, Stubborn Acne Patches is a great product.” 


Products not recommended  

     Some products, however, are not recommended. Sophomore Logan Morales says, “After a week of using the product Oil-Free Acne Wash by the brand Neutrogena, my skin was getting irritated. It was red and started to peel as if I had a sun burn.”  

    The product Deep Action Cream Cleanser from Clean and Clear is also a common product some students found that made their acne worse. Freshmen Marcia Ortega says, “I found that instead of helping my problem it just made it worse.”